Ron Klowden
Bird Photo collection
Galapagos- 10/2014

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As part of our Peru-Ecuador trip in 2014, we stayed on a small ship (16 passenger) for seven days
and ventured to various Islands of the Galapagos by rubber raft.
The wildlife is abundant,
and many species are not found elsewhere .
We saw many more birds than are in these pages but this is representative of the
hundreds of photos we took of Birds of the Galapagos.

(The Turtles, Lizards, Sea Lions and other animals are not shown on this page.)

A Fantastic experience!



Ani-Smooth Billed


Boobies-Blue footed

Boobie-Blue footed



Flightless Cormorant

Flightless Cormorant Chicks

White-cheeked Pintail Duck

Finch, Cactus

Finch, Small Ground

Finch-medium ground

Pink Flamingo

Magnificant Frigatebird

Lava Gull

Galapagos Hawk

Galapagos Hawk

Great Blue Heron (night photo)

Lava Heron

Green Heron

Yellow Crowned Night Heron




Brown Pelican

Galapagos Penguin

Galapagos Penguin (affectionate)

White vented Storm Petral (they walk on water)



Black-necked Stilt

Tern-Brown Noddy

Yellow Warbler



See available links below for other of Ron and Lynn's birding adventures

Ecuador-Amazon | | Ecuador-Andes-Highlands-Quito | |
| | Ecuador-Galapagos | | Costa Rica | | Africa | |
U.S.Birding and more...
Ron's pages under construction

Home | | Osprey nest moving | | Ballantrae Birds | |

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Website presented courtesy of
Ron Klowden, Ballantrae Resident, Realtor
click above for latest properties available and more...