Ron Klowden
Bird Photo collection
Ron's Port Charlotte - Punta Gorda

Ollie's Pond - Port Charlotte

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Back-Charlotte Harbor

Ollie's Pond is a nice, small park with a 43 acre lake.There is a circle trail around the lake which is full of Herons, Ergrets and other wading birds. lake life is abundant so other animals, reptiles or amphibians may be observed also.The trees around the pond are filled with smaller birds shuch as Warblers and Woodpeckers. This is a very relaxing, small park to visit and it is right in Port Charlotte. Well worth a visit.

American Coot-Ollie's Pond

American Coots-Ollie's Pond


Blue-winged teal-Ollie's Pond

Hooded Merganser-Ollie's Pond



Blue-Grey Gnatcatcher-Ollie's Pond

Little Blue Heron-Ollie's Pond

Green Heron-Ollie's Pond

Little Blue Heron-Ollie's Pond



White Ibis-Ollie's Pond

Palm Warbler-Ollie's Pond

Downey Woodpecker-Ollie's Pond

Red Bellied Woodpacker-Ollie's Pond

Back-Charlotte Harbor

See links below for other of Ron & Lynn's birding adventures

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Chicago Area

Website presented courtesy of
Ron Klowden, Ballantrae Resident, Realtor
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